I Went Back in Time, and it Blew my Mind
Tiree is an island off the west coast of Scotland. Its stable population is 650, which of course, increases during the summer months, when tourists arrive to lap-up the sparkling white-beaches and emerald waters.
My family and I spent a week there earlier this month, and that seven days has caused a major change in my mindset.
Yes, the quality time spent with family exploring the island’s many charms was wonderful. The pace of life (delightfully slow) led to true relaxation and plenty of time to think. Nature rules there, and we lapped it up. However, none of that is truly responsible for my mind-shift.
What caused it then? The fact that there was zero mobile-data signal. Did you just shudder at the thought?
A forced exile from email, social media and that awful ‘grab phone and check for notification’ reflex that I’ve adopted over the years.
I could have accessed the wifi in the (rather amazing) cafés we frequented, but, I didn’t. The sense of calm within me was far too enjoyable. I genuinely didn’t give a hoot what was happening on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Whatsapp (it’s the worst) and the rest.
The title of this post refers to going back in time. The space-time continuum-hopping doesn’t refer to the island itself. That would be insulting to the people that work damn hard to make a living there and welcome visitors with open arms. It refers to a time where our lives were far simpler.
Technology, social media and content on-demand have complicated our lives. For many, there are in-fact two lives; one that lives in the ‘real world’ and one that lives online.
Often, the contrast between the two is huge. Often, the latter, disrupts and soils the former, taking our attention away from the one that really matters. That’s not right.
I know what you’re thinking. You’re expecting me to say I’m leaving social media. To jump on my soap-box and denounce smart phones and all they give us access to. No, that would be silly. I’ve made a career via social media. It’s been something that has educated me and created new real-world friends. I have however, changed my attitude toward it and my phone.
It’s all about focus you see. When I’m in my office, my phone is at the other side of the room, silenced. I check it once an hour at the most. When it’s not beside me, the twitch subsides.
My laptop only has the things open on it that I need to do my work. When I want to put something out on social for my business or personally, I do it at a time when it’s not a distraction.
When I get home, it goes on a high-shelf in the kitchen, until much later, when my kids are in bed, and my wife and I have properly caught-up. I allow myself some time on it when the time is really right.
Guess what? That calmness I experienced while on Tiree is still present. Most of the time. Apart from when I can’t get a seat on the train. Give it a try.
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