British Milk Council Twitter Account Turns Sour. Or Does It… [Updated]

Mike McGrail
3 min readApr 17, 2018


Please read to the end of this, you’ll see how my understanding came to light as I was writing it…

I’ll warn you now, this is not safe for work! Take a look at this Twitter thread:

Is this a stunt?

I can’t help but feel that this is a very abusive and odd attempt to jump on the Wetherspoons withdrawal from social media that I wrote about yesterday. Perhaps with the aim of raising the profile of The British Milk Council via a stunt. It takes some bottle to go down this root. It’s certainly gathered attention!

If it’s not a stunt, then why are the tweets still there? Even if Jason was the only person with the password, surely a reset email could be accessed by an admin? The clot, I mean plot thickens.

Wait. Digging deeper…

I’ve skimmed their earlier feed, and here’s an odd tweet from last week:

There’s some humour here with the initial sentiment of the tweet, but is it really a constructive piece of content? I’ll ignore the typo for now. Their feed is generally amusing (or at least trying to be):

Here’s the #ManMilk that Jason referred to:

Wait. Hold the bus. The British Milk Council doesn’t even exist!

As I write this and research, the whole thing’s unravelling. That’s live reporting for you!

There’s nothing in this search result that relates to it. Sure, there’s and some other stuff, but what’s the connection there? Is the whole thing a sham? A mere spoof? I think I may have had my udder pulled. Holy cow.

Bravo spoof account owner, bravo…

Update — Rumours circulating that this is the owner of the spoof account:— heartbeeps (@hrtbps) April 17, 2018

Further update — This post has received endorsement via @hrtbps, the spoof master:

Originally published at on April 17, 2018.



Mike McGrail

Marketing consultant with 12+ years in the game. I work in whisky and gin marketing. It’s great. Writing about many things.