5 Essentials for Getting Through a Biz Day
What are the daily constants that get you through a business day? We all have our habits and tricks that make a day as smooth as can be, and I thought I’d share mine in this < 1.5 minute video. If you don’t want to watch it, I’ve outlined them past the embed.
1 — Fresh Air
I try to get outside as early as possible in the day, stretch the legs and get my body ticking over. It’s so bad for us sitting at a desk all day, and I find being stagnant kills my productivity.
2 — Medium
You may have heard of it? I read an article on Medium every morning. Something out-with my area of focus. I find it gives me inspiration and gets my brain in gear. Some of the members-only articles are really on the next level!
3 — Coffee
Yeah, I know, this is far from original, but I need it. Especially in the morning!
4 — Evernote
My stream of consciousness. Ideas, notes, strategies, observations. All go into Evernote for ever-more.
5 — A challenge
A tough task or problem that stretches my brain. If I don’t have one of those a day, I can be guilty of switching off.
Over to you. I’d love to hear your daily essentials…
Forest image under license from Shutterstock.